Bodies of Culture Program

Bodies of Culture is a new scholarship program that has begun receiving donations to be used to assist diverse applicants in joining our Somatic Relational Seminar Series. The committee is just beginning to create qualifications, procedures and plans to start awarding financial aid at the end of 2021. This is part of SCIBA’s effort to inclusively spread the teachings of Bioenergetic Analysis. The financial awards will be used for the Somatic Relational one-year seminar series. Many of our seminar teachers have already committed to donating their teaching stipend towards the program. We are looking for additional Certified Bioenergetic Therapists who will work on a sliding scale to reduce the cost of attending the 10 required Bioenergetic Therapy sessions. Check back to this site and watch this program develop. If you are interested in getting more involved please contact Lila at If you are interested in donating to the program: Donate here


Surrender to the spirit of your body…