2024 Southern California Bioenergetic Conference


Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Anxiety of Impermanence


Anxiety can be described as an expression of crawling into oneself. Organismically, from the day we are born, our aliveness is inevitably linked to our mortality. This presentation will explore the ways we bioenergetically wrestle with impermanence; the growing edge of our living movement, its pulsatory nature, and the holding patterns we embody to manage uncertainty.

After this presentation participants will:

  • Identify two strategies to help themselves and their patients find their own ground and self-regulate when coping with states of imbalance resulting from unpredictable events in their lives.

  • Distinguish between anxiety and panic..

  • Develop 3 ideas about the sources of anxiety within therapists themselves and their patients especially as it relates to the practice of psychotherapy.

  • Identify, relate and compare transference and countertransference dynamics that arise from anxious states and influence the psychotherapy process.

JAMES ELNISKI, Bioenergetic Analyst CBT, LSCW, SCIBA Faculty

Jim Elniski, LCSW, CBT maintains an independent Bioenergetic Therapy practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  He has been the Local Trainer and former director of the Chicago Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, was on the Board of Trustees of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) and is currently a Local Trainer and Ethics Chair of the Southern California Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (SCIBA). Jim is also a practicing artist whose work has most recently been profiled in Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art and Launching the Imagination and is Professor Emerita at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  His special interest, as therapist, clinical consultant, educator, and artist, is the pulsatory nature of being alive and how we contact, shape, and are shaped by the world around us. He received his MFA from the School of Art and Art History/University of Iowa and his MSW from the Jane Addams School of Social Work/University of Illinois, Chicago.