Join us in returning to beautiful
Lake Arrowhead, California


The Bioenergetic conference in Lake Arrowhead provides a space to connect with ourselves and with others, to acknowledge and to tend to our bodyminds, to feel into what’s real and what’s present for you, to be with others in what’s present for them. In being together, we can perhaps soften the pain of living and feel into the wonder of being alive.

February 22-25, 2024

Anxiety is a natural occurrence; a state of being. We need it for survival.

Our body, our nervous system, our emotions are impacted by anxiety. It alerts us, mobilizes us, paralyzes us, activates us… It changes our brains. 

Anxiety is an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. 

In preparation for a presentation, a first date, a surgery… 

In response to potential danger, to surprise, to a once in a lifetime California blizzard.

Anxiety becomes problematic when it becomes stuck, unable to move through our bodies.

Explore with us how Bioenergetics brings us back from the anxious state.

A 4-day stunning retreat in beautiful Lake Arrowhead, CA

2024 Southern California Conference

What is Bioenergetics?

Bioenergetic Analysis is a unique and effective relational somatic psychotherapy with a long and established history on the cutting edge of modern psychology as rapid advance in neurobiology highlights the intricate and intimate relationship between body and mind.


  • e:
    p: (858) 900-3155

  • 850 Willow Creek Rd,
    Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352